We welcome you to the I Congrés Internacional sobre Vulnerabilitat Social i Violències Masclistes: «Transitam la incertesa. Mirades teoricopràctiques», which will be held from November 20 to 22 at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (Jovellanos Building). This conference aims to create a space for reflection and dialogue on the situations and processes experienced by women victims of gender-based violence, where various vulnerabilities intersect, such as problematic substance and alcohol use, addiction, mental health issues, or living in contexts or situations of particular social vulnerability.
The Congress is promoted and funded by the Institut Balear de la Dona (IBdona) and managed in collaboration with the Universitat de les Illes Balears. IBdona is the regional body responsible for developing and implementing the necessary measures to ensure the principles of equal opportunities between women and men and to eliminate any form of discrimination against women in the Balearic Islands.